Hair Transplant Advantages and Disadvantages

hair care blog

Whenever it comes to any new thing, people first use to look into its merits and demerits. The same is in the case of a hair transplant. Few of the most common questions which can strike your head are – whether you should go for hair transplant or not? What are the possible disadvantages of hair transplant? How much time it will take for complete recovery? So, in this article, we will provide you the answer to all these questions along with the hair transplant advantages and disadvantages.

One of the most hearty things to lose is hairs as they complete one’s appearance. For all those people who are facing the problem of hair loss, Hair Transplant is a gift to them. It helps in restoring the lost shine of face. Hair Transplant is defined as the surgical method in which the hairs from one side is donated to the baled part of the body. The site which is donating the hairs is known as donor’s site whereas the site which is accepting the hairs is known as the recipient’s site.

There are two major methods which are being used by the doctors for hair transplant – FUE and FUT. FUE stands for Follicular unit extraction. In this method, a single strand is taken and replanted at the recipient’s site. The results of FUE are quite natural and permanent. The second method used for Hair Transplant is FUT. FUT stands for follicular unit transplant. In FUT, the doctors take a strip of skin from the donor’s site and implant it on the recipient’s site. The demerit of FUT is that they leave a scar on donor’s site which will take time to go. Now, go through the content and know about the possible advantages and disadvantages of hair transplant.

Advantages of Hair Transplant

  • The hair growth after the hair transplant is just like the natural hairs. Also, the color of the new grown hairs is the same as that of the original hairs.
  • The growth of hairs after a hair transplant is quick. The hairs start to grow after 2 to 3 months of hair transplant whereas the complete recovery/ growth of hairs is attained after 8 to 10 months.
  • Hair Transplant is handy in controlling and eliminating the problem of balding, receding and thinning hair.
  • The hair transplant is considered as the safest method as no chemicals are being used in restoring the growth of hairs.
  • The best and permanent solution for baldness.
  • This method is advantageous of hair transplant is that the hairs which a person gets after the transplant are quite natural. So, it is easily manageable. There is no such for any kind of shampoo or chemicals to maintain the density of hairs.
  • No matter which type of hair do you have, hair transplant is equally effective on all.
  • Another advantage of Hair Transplant is that the cost of hair transplant is very much affordable by all. The cost of hair transplant depends on the number of grafts which the patient gets.
  • Last but one of the biggest advantages of Hair Transplant is that it helps in getting back the confidence of person which they have lost after baldness.
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Disadvantages of Hair Transplant

As we have already mentioned that there are a number of advantages of hair transplant but there are a few disadvantages/ side effects too. These side effects vary from person to person, which means it can be severe for one while not for the other. So, the disadvantages of hair transplant are:

  • In some of the cases, the person undergoing hair transplant can face itching and numbness.
  • Before undergoing the hair transplant look to gain positive health. If you are not completely healthy and fit, then look to avoid hair transplant.
    The hair growth is not overnight after the hair transplant. It takes about 8 to 10 months to get achieve the targeted therapy.
  • Note that the outcome or result of a hair transplant depends on the quality of hairs which it gets from the donor’s site. If the quality of strands from the donor’s site is poor, then the resulting hair transplant will also be poor.
  • Pain is also a problem which can be experienced in some of the cases.

These are some of the possible side effects of hair transplant which a person can experience but they are easily controlled and handled. If you have undergone hair transplant and facing complications, then immediately go for a medical consultation and checkup. Some of the frequent complexions which the patient can face are as follows:

  • Swelling of the scalp
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising around the eyes
  • Infection
  • Crust forming at the site from where the hair was removed or implanted. This crust leads in the formation of the scalp.
  • Itching
  • Numbness or lack of sensation
  • Inflammation or infection of the hair follicles.
  • Sudden hair loss of the transplanted hair.
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Thus, these are the few issues which the patient can face after undergoing a hair transplant. Also, there are some long-term outlooks of which you should be concerned about. After the hair transplant, the patient will continue to get new hairs in the transplant but there can be a situation in which the newly grown hairs become more or less dense compared to the other/ earlier ones. So, mainly depends on four factors:

  • Hair Curl: There can arise a situation in which the hair curl of new hairs and earlier ones doesn’t match.
  • Quality of the transplanted hairs: In few conditions, the quality of transplanted hairs and already present ones don’t match.
  • Scalp Laxity: This means how loose your scalp skin is.
  • The density of hair follicles in the transplanted site.

Also, one should keep note that you might continue to face the problem of hair loss in the non-treated areas of the scalp if you have undergone the poor level of laser therapy or not taking medicines on time. So, these were the hair transplant advantages and disadvantages of which you should be aware of. Hope you enjoyed reading here. For any query, do comment in the section provided below.
