Permanent Makeup- the Mother of all kind of makeup!


Have you ever wondered that how would it be to just wake up and go to work without wearing any makeup? The thoughts might not be worth telling. But what if there is the way that it can be made possible? Surprised? Yes, with the Permanent Makeup it is possible.

For those who don’t know about Permanent Makeup, you must know that it’s quite similar to Tattooing. As the name suggests, you get the permanent makeup for many years and there is no need to put on your makeup every morning. Permanent makeup or micro-pigmentation is the procedure to enhance your looks by working on your Eyebrows, lips, and eye-line. Those women who are experiencing premature aging and don’t know how to get rid of the wrinkles plucked eyebrows, and blackened lips can definitely find semi-permanent makeup to be the silver lining!

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  • Difference between body tattoo and Permanent Makeup

The difference between permanent makeup and a fancy tattoo on your body is that whereas tattoos are mostly meant to make a statement of some sort about somebody’s personality, cosmetic makeup is simply meant to enhance your appearance.

  • Difference between Permanent Makeup and Semi-Permanent Makeup

There is no such difference between these two. Permanent makeup is often also called semi-permanent makeup; so you can opt to refer to your new lip liner job as a semi-permanent lip liner or permanent lip liner. Permanent makeup is meant to last for around 3 years and so does the other.

  • How can Permanent Makeup change your world?

There are many women around the world who work for their living. It becomes quite hectic with a job, family, and children to their care about themselves. So, permanent makeup solves all their problems by keeping their beauty intact and without any hassle. The person who has undergone the permanent makeup procedure can just wake up in the morning and find a beautiful person in front of the mirror without following any makeup routine. The Permanent makeup works on the:

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makeup blog

#Eyebrows- The Process is also known as Microblading

People who have less growth on their eyebrows or those who have lost their eyebrows with age find it quite difficult to stand in front of the other people. Microblading is the process that involves tattooing the brow area with pigments that work the same as a permanent tattoo and fill your eye-line. You can decide the color of pigments to be inserted and regain your lost confidence with the beautiful eyebrows.

eyes blog


The majority of ladies won’t leave the house if they don’t apply at least some lipstick on their lips. This not just makes them look attractive but also enhances the beauty of their face. Now, think of the situation that a woman doesn’t have to apply lipstick at all and still looks way more attractive every day. Permanent lip makeup can make this situation possible by micro-pigmenting (Tattooing) your lips with the color of your choice, isn’t it great?

lips blog

The technique of Permanent Makeup is trending and with each passing day more and more women are asking about it. With so much popularity this revolutionary procedure has served many happy customers and continuing to make those people happy who are fighting with the signs of aging. With permanent makeup, you can stay relaxed and don’t have to worry about your looks. It’s a safe and quick process that helps you stand smart and beautiful with the world.

So, if you are interested in getting a Permanent Makeup then you must explore the internet and get as much information as possible. There are a lot of misconceptions created by the people but you can consult an expert beautician that can clear all your doubts. The treasure of a Woman is her beauty and it’s important to keep it intact, with regular care and the’ smart’ way of Makeup-The permanent Makeup!

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