8 Tips to Keep Skin Soft and Glowing in Winter


No matter how much you like the cold respite from the scorching summers, the winter season happens to be the worst enemy for the skin.

The reason for this is that the low humidity and cold weather lead to the dryness in air which steals the moisture away from the skin making it dull, pale and lifeless during this time.

Without the immediate care, the dry skin can result in cracking and bleeding of the same and this is further worsened by the chilly winds of winter.

The indoor heater, that is often used at this time, further annihilates the air by robbing off the moisture. Similar is the case with the hot baths, showers and the harsh cleansers.  All these lead to parched skin that lacks life.

But don’t worry! You are not the only one whose skin hates winter! The professionals have some tricks up their sleeves. Just a little effort in the right direction can keep the skin glowing and radiant in the chilly weather.

Here are 8 tips. Just take a look.

1 Keep Yourself Well-Hydrated –

During the cold weather drinking water (no matter how basic it sounds) is often missed. This is because we try to switch to coffee and tea. But the lack of water can result in dry skin and it can give rise to many other health problems. So make sure to drink enough water. Apart from water, you should also try the cantaloupe, watermelons, kiwi, oranges, apples and watery veggies like the tomatoes, celery, zucchini, cucumbers and carrots. Get ample zinc and vitamin C for the production of elastin and collagen. The flaxseeds and fatty fish also assist with the skin building blocks that are needed to make your skin look supple and smooth.

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2 Wash Your Face with Lukewarm Water –

In the winter, taking the hot bath can be the most relaxing experience. Still, you should wash the face with the lukewarm water as it nourishes the skin and keeps the moisture intact.

3 Moisturise Your Skin –

You should apply this after washing the face. Now selecting the right moisturizer is heck of a task as the market is filled with products that display good effects instantly but can make the skin suffer in the long run. So choose your moisturizer after lots of research and trying and testing as your skin is precious and the harmful chemicals can take a toll on it.

4 Protect the Skin from the Chilly Winds –

Just like moisturising the skin, protecting it from the cold weather is also essential. Use gloves and sweater on the chilly days and use scarf for covering the face.  You should also not stop using the sunscreen even if it is winter as the skin can be affected by sunburn then, too.

5 Stick to a Good Diet Plan –

No matter what you consume it will be ultimately reflected on the skin. That is why it is necessary to stick to a good diet plan that will make you glow both inside and outside. Go for ample amount of fruits, veggies, milk and other vitamin rich products on your plate during the winter season.

6 Don’t Skip Exfoliation-

Exfoliation happens to be one of the most essential skincare regimes. This one assists in removing the dead skin cells and also do away with the whiteheads and blackheads. So you should opt for an exfoliating mask that does not make your skin dry.

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7 Use the Humidifier in the Room-

During this season we use a plethora of heating systems that suck the humidity out of the air. That is why you should go for a humidifier in the bedroom for maintaining the level of humidity in the air and prevent the skin from drying.

8 Overnight Moisturization is Must –

It is a general trend among people to use the moisturization creams after bath. But they seem to forget that the skin gets dried up overnight. So you must use the moisturisers for skin prior to hitting the bed. By choosing the best moisturiser you will be able to keep the skin nourished all night long. You can also wear cotton socks and gloves for sealing the moisture. This will help to keep the skin soft for an extended period.

The above are some of the tips that you should keep in mind to maintain a beautiful and glowing skin all through the winter season.
