5 Reasons Why Exercising Will Get You a Boyfriend!

exercise tips

Are you single and trapped in the seemingly dark abyss of despair and loneliness?  Okay, perhaps that’s a bit dramatic, but if you’re single, chances are, you get a bit lonely from time to time and would love the opportunity to at least go on a date once in a while.

Maybe you’ve been craving that extra bit of companionship, but guys never seem to approach you.  Sound familiar?  Well, ladies, unfortunately, there is no magical elixir to have men worshipping at your feet (unless you’re finding creepy guys from sketchy dating apps).  Exercising, however, is one excellent way to turbo-charge your level of attractiveness.

There are so many benefits to exercising and staying in shape, but scoring a date is seldom thought to be one of those benefits.  It’s a somewhat weird concept, but below are 5 reasons why exercising will get you a boyfriend!

1.Self-image increases

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This is by far the most valuable reason why exercising will land you a boyfriend!  If there’s nothing else you absorb or can possibly remember from this post, this is the one major point that you must consecrate into your mentality.  The more you exercise, the more your self-image increases.

It’s somewhat difficult to explain scientifically, but there’s something magical that happens to your mindset when you work out.  Because you’re doing something to improve yourself, your overall positive perception of yourself is given a boost.  This occurs on both a conscious and subconscious level.

Since you know you’re doing the right things, you begin to become more and more proud of yourself.  You know that you’re making progress toward your goals, so you begin to view yourself as a conquerer of your internal obstacles!  Believe it or not, this heightened level of self-confidence will start to spill out into everything you do, including your dating life.

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You begin to walk differently.  You begin to talk differently.  You begin to approach everything with a higher level of energy and and positivity.  Because you reached a new level of personal self-respect, people around will begin to have a new level of respect for you.  You will naturally draw the attention of men around you.  Men will look at you, smile at you, interact with you, and approach you much more positively when your self-image increases.  When you start working out, which is essentially a form of working on yourself, don’t be surpised when you have trouble keeping the men off you!

2.Boosts mental clarity

This is somewhat similar to the first point, but differs slightly.  Self-image is more of an internal spiritual presence, while mental clarity is the actual health of your brain.  It is fairly common knowledge among many experts that exercising can have a very positive impact on your mental health.

When you exercise consistently, it has the potential to consistently boost your overall cognitive function.  Some benefits might include improved memory, increased ability to process information, and an improved resistance to negative thoughts.

This improvement in mental performance will give you a big mental edge when interacting with others.  You’ll be able to think on your feet a lot faster and come off as much wittier to others.  If you find yourself stumbling upon your words every time a cute guy approaches you unexpectedly, you might find that starting every day with a morning workout will give you a surprisingly strong mental advantage.

3.Decrease body fat and increase muscle mass

exercise tips blog

As much as we hate to admit it, we, as imperfect human beings, can be very shallow creatures.  Over the long run, personality and other internal values will always triumph over physical appearance, but unfortunately, first impressions do make a big difference.

This is probably an obvious point, but exercising can help you look sexier!  If you train hard and keep at it, you’ll notice a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass (depending on the type of trainng you perform, of course).  If you’re not satisfied with the way your body looks, start hitting the gym 3 to 4 times per week.  You’re not going to have a super model’s body after a week, but over the course of several weeks, you’re going to start to become the sexiest version of yourself.

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Also, don’t feel discouraged if, even after 6 months of work, you don’t have a slim waist or tight abs.  You don’t have to be a super model to get the attention of men.  When there’s physical improvement in your body of any kind, you’ll start to notice that men, especially those that you’ve known for a while, will start to pay more attention to you!

4.Booty power!

Okay, so this one is a little more of a joke, but there’s definitely some truth to this point.  A lot of men find nicely-shaped butts attractive.  There’s really no logical explanation behind it, but similar to a woman’s breasts, it just happens to be a physical attribute that attracts a lot of men.

No matter what kind of exercises you choose to pursue, your butt will naturally become more beautiful.  Whether you’re looking to add a bit of muscle to your butt to make it stick out more, or looking to get your butt a bit more tone, hitting the gym three times per week will make a huge difference.  If you’re looking to really take your booty power to the next level, implement a rigorous squat routine to your workouts!

5.Easier to meet that special someone!

If you sit on your coach and watch Netlfix all day, you will never get a boyfriend.  Your knight in shining armor will not magically appear at your door.  Your likelihood of having a hot guy approach you is 1000% greater if you actually leave your home, and there’s no better excuse to leave the house than to hit your local gym.

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By putting yourself in an environment that’s frequented by many men, your odds of scoring a date will naturally increase.  Even if you go to the gym one time per week, you’re increasing your chance of getting a date.  It’s simply a game of numbers.  It’s easier to meet someone new when you’re in a place that has a lot of people.

In addition, a lot of the men that hit the gym have some form of respectable character.  If a man works out on a regular basis, there’s a good chance that they’re ambitious, hard-working, and striving to become better.  If you find a boyfriend that loves to hit the gym, there’s a good chance that you’ve scored yourself a winner!  In addition to their character, they’re also more likely to have hot, rocking bodies!  Who could resist a hard-worker that also happens to have a great body?

By going to the gym, you’re also giving yourself the opportunity to become better at interacting with people ingeneral.  It enables you to strike up conversations with both men and women, and hone your interpersonal skills.  An increase in communication skills will help you with future relationships both personally and professionally.  You just never know who will hop onto that treadmill next to you!

We all love to exercise from time-to-time and there’s a laundry-list of benefits that physical fitness brings to the table.  Though obtaining a boyfriend is not one of the first, immediate benefits that come to mind for many exercise scientists, it’s one of the most amazing blessings that can come from choosing to work out.  One trip to the gym could change your entire dating life.

Author bio –

Salutations! My name is David Hoang. I’m the owner of SupplementSuperhero.com, where we talk about a variety of health topics mainly centered around weight loss, supplement reviews, and concepts to help you get the kind of health and body you desire!
