6 Reasons Why It Is Important to Have a Healthy Mouth


Oral health is important not only because your smile is the first thing that is noticed by people but also because it has an important role to play in every aspect of life. It can show nutritional deficiency signs or symptoms of other conditions lurking in your body.

That is why it is often said that a healthy mouth paves the way for a healthy life.  The human body is quite complex and often one part of the body can impact on the other parts.

The diseased, crooked or missing teeth and even the misshapen jaw can adversely affect your speech apart from making chewing extremely painful and difficult that can make you go for the expensive corrective procedures.

Here are some of the reasons why oral care matters for a healthy body. Just read on.

  • Retain Your Pearly Whites – By maintaining a low-sugar diet, brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing on a regular basis and never missing an appointment with the dentist, you can safeguard you mouth from gum disease and dental decay both of which can result in the loss of teeth. Research has revealed that the number of teeth that you have are equal to the number of years that you live. Those who have 20 teeth at the age of 70 years have a higher chance of living longer than those who have less than 20 teeth at that age. Tooth loss through dental decay and gum disease can be prevented and with a strict oral care regime our teeth can be retained for life.
  • Healthy Gums Can Imply Healthier Heart – Studies have brought forth the link between the elevated heart disease risk and oral inflammatory ailment. People with periodontal disease have a greater risk of heart disease and have twice the risk of having a heart attack as compared to those who don’t have gum disease. Gum ailment can arise from the protracted bacterial exposure which can lead to the cardiovascular disease as it may lead to inflammation enhancement throughout the body which is the major factor for heart ailment. That is why cardiologists often ask you about your oral health.
  • Decrease the Risk of Dementia and Cancer –The healthy teeth and the gums also decreases your chances of certain types of dementia as well as cancers. By keeping the gums and the teeth healthy, one is 70 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s than those who have suffered from periodontal ailment for a long time. New research reveals that in women between the age of 54 and 86 (especially in case of post-menopausal women), those with a history of gum ailment are about 15 percent more likely to develop cancer. The enhanced cancer risks can be of breast cancer, gall bladder, esophageal and even the skin cancers. Oral cancer can also develop if you smoke or use tobacco regularly and do not take care of your oral health.
  • Healthy Mouth Can Lead to Healthier Pregnancy – Regular check-ups with a dentist and hygienist becomes quite important during pregnancy. Women who have periodontal ailment or other oral issues have higher risk of delivering pre-term babies or babies with low birth weight. They may have risk of complications that can include developmental issues like asthma, birth abnormalities, ear infections, behavioral difficulties and can also have higher risks of infant death. Women who are pregnant must take extra care for taking care of their oral health not just for them but also for their babies.
  • Oral Infections Can Lead to Diabetes – The oral infections can raise your blood sugar level. This can lead to diabetes. Diabetes can be treated but it is not fully curable. That is why it is important to get regular screenings for oral infection. Preexisting diabetes can also lead to gum disease, tooth decay and infection. Gum disease and diabetes have a two-way link and so to minimize the chances of diabetes oral health upkeep is a must.
  • Reduce Chances of Hypertension – If you have an infection anywhere in the body even in the mouth it can raise the blood pressure level. You can get the blood pressure back to normal by talking with your physician. Just like tooth implant can help to restore a broken or chipped tooth, there are medications available that your doctor can advise you in order to reduce the infection and control the blood pressure.
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The above are some of the major reasons that tell you why having a healthy mouth is absolutely necessary not only to possess a beautiful smile but also for a great overall health.
